Article 4

Modern Day Afterlife

What is "Afterlife"?

Afterlife is a concept existed through the millenium in every religion. It basically states that-"A human soul; after leaving one body, travells and sets in a new body or shell." 

It is basically a driver changing his car.

                      Now comming to the topic, "Modern day Afterlife", it is a theory by the way. So technically speaking, anything and everything that happens inside the human brain; is considered an 'ELECTRIC IMPULSE'. And every set of instructions given by the brain,every piece of memory we remember is or can be considered as DATA.

And the electric impulse or the 'brainwave' is all about our 'conscious' which can be defined as-

'Consciousness refers to your individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings,sensations. Essentially your consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around YOU. This is very unique to you.'

 It can be increased and harnessed through practice as it is a learned skill that you have to aquire. So the theory i present is if a helmet like device can be made connected to a mainframe computer of sort and if the helmet is worn by any human being who can harness his/her consciousness while waring that device, being consciousness is nothing but brain wave it may be transferred through the wires connected in the helmet to the mainframe allowing it to be downloaded in a chip of some sort and can be extracted and may it will be possible to load it in a machine or robot thus forming a cyborg i.e. collaboration of human and machine. Salvaging  your conscious and gaining "IMMORTALITY" 

Because it is not a fact how/in what  form you are, rather the marvel that YOU ARE! 

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