


Recently I've gone through a book 'ichhe'.It is a story about a small boy who has lost his mother at the age of 7yrs and was brought up by his father all alone.His father always kept him strictly bounded by rules which the little fellow does not like at all.But the young heart can not make out the fact that his father was just being over protective after loosing his love.The boy always thought like as he is a child everyone dominates him,so every night he prays to God to let him an adult like his cousins.And finally that one day came when he prayed heartly to God and next morning he found himself in his adulthood or better to be called as in his late teens.The poor fellow cheered up in joy that finally he can take his own decisions,he can do things he like on his own.Most importantly no one will scold in his every aspect of life.
But the funny part of life is that nothing stays forever.Soon he was been stroken by the bitter days.Day by day the life was getting monotonous to him,no T.V shows,no comics,no playmates.And soon he began to miss those golden days of his childhood;those stress free evenings with no worries,no assignments,no deadlines.The only this there was fun! He began to feel the absence of the affections of grand-parents.He just visualized his dream one sided,but one can only feel the joy to the fullest after having a hard time.There is no existence of happiness without sorrow,anger without love.So he again prays to God to send him back in his childhood.And thus the story ends.
It is a very soulful creation by the author which makes me realize that everything has it's own perfect time so enjoy your moment to the fullest!

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