Article 5

Why 5 ? H ave you ever wondered why do we humans precisely have five fingers? I mean not four not six, why five! Was it gods favorite number? Or did he just just randomly choose like-" hey man i like the number five, lets give my creation five fingers" That would be hilarious right!? Well that's totally not the case, he did it precisely to honor the five elements namely- Water, Earth, Ether, Air, Fire. Yes, you heard me right, the five elements of nature. No need to believe just on my words, i can give you simple examples, so lets start from the element one- Water : I do not know about other nations but in India, be it in school or collages, kids or adults if anybody holds up their pinkey finger it signifies that they want to go to the washroom for pee😂 like i know its kind of funny but why do they hold only the pinkey finger at all? But knowing or not knowing they are holding up the finger that signifies the element Water. Moving on lets t...