Article 6

Soul Soul, a word we had all came across in some point of our life and along with it other words came flooded as 'indestructable' , 'rebirth' , 'afterlife' and many others. Now in our childhood we would always wonder what is this " soul" is anyway? Later we came to know that it is a form of energy that rests within the human shell we have and lets us live the span of life. But how was this " soul" formed or better put as came to existence in the first place? Now Religion tells us God the almighty sent these souls as energy forms to operate his creation; the human body. And after we live our time and die they return to God or do they? There are some talks about " Reincarnation " where it is said a person remembers about past life but how is that? Well here is my theory to you- " souls are not only energy but also thoughts! Before arguing just hear me out, for a rebirth to happen you need strong memory. Let me clarify ...